
Origin and distribution. Obtained by free pollinating from the sort Republikan in Oregon, USA, found by Seth Leweiling in Millwakee in 1875. Very popular in California, Washington and Oregon, and somewhat in other regions of the USA, Canda and some European countries. Imported in Bulgaria in 1958. Basic standard sort – very popular. Agro biological and ecological characteristics. The tree is average growing, with pyramidal azure crown. The branches are well garnished with May bouquets. Early blossoms. Pollinates with Van. Intersterile with Lambert, Lambert compact, Napoleon and Emperor Francis. Mid early ripening and moderate to good vigorous. Very sensitive to cylinder sporiosis. Sensitive to winter and sudden cold and to late spring frost. If it rains a lot while ripening – the fruit cracks. Requires average deep fertile soil and places with good air drainage. The fruit ripens mid-late June. Its large (23 x 23 x 19mm), average weight 7,1g, wide heart-like with round top. The stalk pit is deep and wide. The belly side is almost flat, and the belly seam is small black line. The back side is shallow with wide бразда. The skin is thick, glance, dark-red, beautiful with multiple under-skin spots. The flesh is red, thick, juicy, sweet-sour with dark-red juice and very good to excellent quality. The stone is almost large (11 x 9 x 7 mm), average weight 0,3g, forming 4,2% of the weight of the fruit, prolong egg-shape, smooth, easy to separate from the flesh. Technological characteristics. The fruit is good for automated cropping, good for manipulation and transportation and a very good merchant stock. Good to process and preserve.