Ranna Cerna Edra
Origin and distribution. Unknown origin. Possibly foreign. Popular all over Bulgaria. Basic standard sort. Agrobilogical and ecological characteristics. The tree is strong growing and can grow very big. The crown is round (oval), thin. The trunk is thick. Blossoms early. Pollinates with Bigaro Moro, Oxen Heart, Napoleon, Victory. Cropping is early and is good and regular. Average resistance to low winter temperature, and better than average resistance to sudden cold. Grows well on rich clay-sand soil. Ripens in the first week of the ripening of the cherries. i.e. about the end of May. Mid large(19 x 21 x 18 mm), average weight 4,7g, wide heart-shaped, well-expressed shoulders. The back is a bit flat with wide hollow. The skin is thin, strong, dark-red to black, with fine, light hard to see spots. The flesh is dark-red soft to mid-hard, juicy sweet-to-sour, no specific aroma, color juice, with good to very good quality. The stone is mid large (10 x 9 x 7 mm), average weight 0,22g, forming 4,7% of the weight of the fruit, egg-shape, almost smooth surface, easy to separate from the meat.Technological characteristics. The fruit is good for transportation. Preservation is average – about 2-3 days. Mainly for fresh consummation but very good for conservation too.